
About The Author

Giok Ping Ang grew up in Singapore in a house by the forest. She spent her childhood wandering among tall tropical trees with her cocker spaniel, and catching bugs to feed her pet salamanders.

She attributes her creativity to her daily long walks. They allowed her mind to wander freely.

She completed her educational pursuits in the United States, where she attended college in Oregon and obtained a diploma in Accountancy at UCLA.

Her poem ‘ An Invitation’ received an honorable mention in the Writer’s Digest Annual poetry competition in 2012and was published in The 7 th Annual Writer’s Digest Poetry Competition Compilation. The award inked her passion for writing and poetry.

Shortly after receiving the award she published her first novel 10276 In Two Months. Flying Leaves Glowing Tadpoles is her second book.

Besides writing, she enjoys taking photographs and playing the erhu.


Author's Collection

Come to my wedding. You are invited and you and yours are invited. Bring your sister your brother your lover and your ex lovers. Bring your father and mother and your lovers' father and mother. Bring your friends, your enemies, your classmates and even your principal. Everyone on earth is invited for even the goats are coming and the fish and even the chickens- cocks and hens. They are all coming. Don't worry about being late for the wedding is a dance in the night's sky. Yes, in an abyss of blue we will dance away the blues. I will don a gown of red hue and veil so long it hides my shoes. Bring your musical instruments and look your best. Please tell l the rest. Shoes are not important for we will be playing music so pretty the angels will l carry us into sky of blue. We will be intoxicated by love, mesmerized by the songs and man and animals will merge as one. Yes, we all will become one and the goat will play the violin - a Vivaldi' Spring and the fish will hold a candle so you can see the smile on my face, half hidden in French lace. Yes, everyone smiles, the bride and the groom, the fish and the goat with the violin. A man will be playing the flute, perhaps the Hungarian Fantasy and not Si lent Night. Come to my wedding, come as you are. You can be anyone, you don't have to be a knight. My wedding is here, it is near, it is here, yes, it is here.
Based on the painting La Mariee by Marc Chagall.

Novels written

Click on the book for excerpts!

Flying Leaves Glowing Tadpoles

Fiction | 2016

Available on


Book Synopsis

In The Professional Mourner, a filial son mourns the death of his mother and embarks upon a career of mourning by accident through which he finally understands the true meaning of life. In Slightly Out Of Tune, a first violin in a renowned quartet performs at a funeral with unforeseen mishaps and realizes his life is much more than plucking and pulling the bow on the right notes.

In Graffiti, a young wall artist journeys to Melbourne, Australia to work on a mural, and discovers the world is not as big and lonely as he once thought. Flying Leaves Glowing Tadpoles is a compilation of stories that will move, surprise and engage the readers, leaving them completely enthralled as the words continue to resonate, long after they finish reading.

10276 in Two Months

Fiction | 2012

Available on


Book Synopsis

They are hundred thousand miles apart, and could not love in flesh, not in part, so they love with their hearts. Everyday they chat on Facebook, and everyday they live, love and die a little. 10276 is the number of love messages they chatted in two months. Mark Fallen is a screenwriter from England, and Lim Shi Yi is a poet and novelist from Singapore who is married with two daughters.

It seems a perfect love made in heaven as they both share the same interests in calligraphy, music, painting, cooking and above all, poetry. She decides to write a script to document their love entitling The Secret Love Of Two Poets and he becomes her script mentor as they spiral deeper into a painful love affair.

Two parallel love stories, both virtual, both intense and life altering yet contrasting in development. She is to find out that it is much easier conjuring physical contacts and rendezvous for her characters in her script than it is for her own love and in the end has to choose between family and success or true love.

Book Reviews



Flying Leaves Glowing Tadpoles


This outstanding collection of five short stories demonstrates one of the most satisfying skills of a consummate writer - that of being able to speak with different voices.

This is a fine follow-up to the very different ‘10276 in Two Months’.

It confirms this much-travelled writer as a vital voice in our changing world.
Roderick Craig Low on August 9, 2016


Any book that has me thinking is a great read.

These stories, told by Author Giok Ping Ang, are well worth the purchase.

They make you think and wonder if only…You still have time.
Author Roy Murry on July 23, 2016

10276 in Two Months


10276 in Two Months will take you on an irresistibly journey of two soul mates

that is full of passion, love and loss.

This is a must read you will find hard to put down.
Ivy League Journalist on January 20, 2013


What an Absolutely Fascinating Story! Intuitively Written & full of Insight!

I found the thread of the story gripping & broaches on so many family, reiationship, emotional, moral, responsibility, duty, passion, caring and other challenges

that many of us go through or will go through in life.

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